Spirit Week

This past week was Spirit Week at my school -- a big deal. It's fun, especially since I like to dress up. I've been Mrs. Claus, a Ninja Turtle, and Hermoine Granger all in the space of a few days. Our students really love it, too. I teach in a community with a strong sense of unity and tradition. Not everyone is dedicated to those things, but almost everyone is.

In the past few years I've caught that spirit myself. It's irresistible, like a virus. When good things are happening, you just want to join in. At least that's how it is for me.

I could tell you lots of things about this past week: face paint, pop songs, cheers, tractors, football, seeing former students, and jumping on trampolines.

Instead I'd like to tell you about a few moments yesterday afternoon, moments that made me so proud to be a part of my community and to work at my school. Earlier this year,  a new teacher on our staff decided to sponsor a Project Unify group at our school. The project is part of the Special Olympics program and is designed to help special needs students become more involved and a better appreciated part of school communities through sports and other programs.

Students at our school are enthusiastic about it. My teacher assistant and other students I mentor in a more informal way are all abuzz, talking about how to get the whole school involved. Honestly our school has always done a good job providing a loving environment for special needs students. Last year a girl graduated who was downright famous. She knows everybody, and everybody knows her. She has more friends than I do. I'm serious.

Not all our students are kind and tolerant. I wish I could say that they are, but we all know that's not  possible. Unfortunately, there will always be people who disrespect others. So in all reality our goal has been to create a school culture in which love and tolerance are fostered and affirmed in spite of that. Please understand this isn't something that one person can do. It takes a majority to make it happen. I'm thankful to say that our school has that majority.

During our big school pep rally yesterday afternoon, the varsity cheerleaders came out to cheer and perform their carefully choreographed and practiced dance routine. If you ask, any of the girls will vehemently tell you that cheerleading is a sport -- thankyouverymuch!  The girls walked out to get in formation, to have their big moment in front of all their peers. Only yesterday, they weren't alone. The girls from the special needs class were with them. Each girl was standing near a varsity cheerleader 'buddy,' wearing a uniform, and cheering her heart out.

I got choked up. Not only was I moved by the fact that these teenage girls were willing to share their big moment at the pep rally, but also by the evident spirit of joy and kindness in which it was done. I could see how aware they were of their 'buddies.' The special needs students were having the time of their lives while the other girls lit up at the chance to give others such a positive experience. Let me also mention that the rest of the student body cheered them on.

As a teacher, I sometimes see the worst  in people, but I get to see the best in people, too. Yesterday's pep rally was one of the good times. I stood there in the gym saying a silent prayer of thanks for being brought through God's providence to a community where love and hope are still alive. I've had the blessing of experiencing strong community twice; I grew up in a small town much like the one I teach in now.

Good community doesn't happen by accident. It takes the conscious decision to stand up for the weak, to love those who are different, to be willing to help those who need it, and to accept help when it's offered. However, if you can do those things yourself and encourage others to do the same, you get something priceless in return. You'll get the chance to live a life that matters.

We always thank God for all of you and mention you when we pray. We continually recall before God our Father the things you have done because of your faith and the work you have done because of your love. (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 NCV)
Image Credit:  http://www.greenfarmparts.com/J_D_combine_parts_s/364.htm, http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/clip/football_goal.html


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