
Showing posts from July, 2012

The Sneakiest Sin

Let me tell you a story. My fashion sense has never been the greatest. Never . Nearly a decade ago, I got a teaching job and set out to buy some clothes that were "professional." Of all the things I could have purchased, I bought a baby pink suit with black pin stripes. I thought it looked great. I even got some pink hoop earrings, my favorite accessory, to set it off. I was so excited the first morning I wore it. I knew I looked great. I had just started my first year of teaching, and I wanted to make the right impression on my students, to gain their respect. For the first half of the school day I got exactly the response I wanted. My students sat up straighter when they saw me, and many of them commented on my new outfit. I was feeling great when lunch time rolled around and I pushed my cart (I didn't have a classroom then) down to the teacher's lounge. Only one teacher was already there, a very sweet lady who had been spending her precious lunch break encoura