Ode To My Sister

Today is a glorious day; it's my sister's birthday. A few months ago I was getting my oil changed, and I read an article about siblings in one of the worn out magazines on the table near my seat. I found it insightful. I can't remember the article's title exactly, but it was in People or Good Housekeeping -- a magazine like that. Its basic premise was that the relationship people have with their siblings is the most formative, vital, and long-lasting connection they have. I remember thinking. Yep. So true . Reading it raised my awareness about how important my siblings have been in my life. I need them, probably more than they know. I wouldn't be me without them, not to mention the fact that they understand me in a way other people just can't. We do have the same parents and most of the same childhood experiences after all. All I have to do is look at one of them and say, "Cheesebooger." They know what that means and exactly what I'm tal...