Why The World Is Still Awesome

A few years ago one of my colleagues showed me what might be the best lesson plan -- ever. The whole idea is to show students the Discovery Channel "Boom De Yada"  commercials then let students write their own versions of the song inserting the things they love about the world into the verses. If you've never seen the videos (or even if you have), you can watch it right there.

Students whole-heartedly embrace the idea every time I've ever presented it. They write some pretty beautiful Boom De Yadas, and they leave class brighter, their faces shining. I've got a theory about that: it never hurts to think about the good stuff. I'm a sucker for the videos myself. I've seen them several times now, but somehow they still manage to lift my spirits.

The wonders of this life (heartbreak included) make my heart sing.

I read an article a while back about how scientists have figured out how to encrypt Shakespeare's sonnets onto a synthetic strand of DNA. I'm serious. Check it out here. How cool is that?

If you've read my previous blog posts you'll know that I've been romanced by the spring this year. We've had peerless 70 degree, sunny days. The flowers are blooming. I just saw a tiny purple butterfly a few minutes ago while I was walking my dog.

God is very real, and everything in nature declares that to me.

So in spite of terrorists, murderers, or evil people in general. I'm still willing to say that the world is awesome. It's still awesome. For every ugly, brutal thing, there are ten beautiful things to behold. Don't let yourself forget that.

"But I did find this: God created people to be virtuous, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path.” Ecclesiastes 7:29


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