Laughter Is. . .

I, like my favorite literary icon, 'dearly love to laugh.'  In fact there's only one thing I like better --  making other people laugh.

Last week I co-hosted our school's annual Relay for Life talent show. In between acts, Mr. H and I regaled the audience with embarrassing stories about falling down in public or being caught in mid - "Baby Shark" dance. I shared some of my best stories about how I don't need the subtitles on the show Moonshiners, how I got in a fight with my sister-in-law over some cole slaw, and how my dad sometimes calls me just to say, "Roll Tide!"

This past week I've really seen how much joy and laughter there is at my school. I'm thankful. Victor Borge was right: laughter is the shortest distance between two people. In fact, there have been times when humor has been my saving grace in the classroom. Often when tension or conflict arises, if I can say something funny about it or change the subject entirely, the moment passes.

Once two kids were seconds away from throwing punches in the middle of my classroom. Then the girl screamed at the boy, "YOU  ARE A CLOWN! C-L-O-W-N! CLOWN!" I lost it, and so did the rest of the class. We were all thinking -- Is that the best insult you've got? Seriously?

I've found that, differences aside, my students are least divided (and perhaps learning best) when they're laughing together.

Here are some other favorites from my quote notebook --
  Student: "Is the United States on America?"

 Student: "Do you know who you look like today?"
  Me: "Who?"
   Student: "Martha Washington."

Me: "Who'd like to read the part of the Count de Guiche?"
 Student: "Who would name their kid de Guiche?"

Student: "What are we supposed to be doing?"
Me: "It's on the board."
Student: "I don't read boards."

A proverb left on the board: "If you can't lead a horse to water, you can't make a student learn. Mrs. C has never led a horse."

Everybody needs to be playful; it's part of being happy. At times when I've felt the joy has drained right out of me, often it's simply because I've forgotten to have fun.

Let's talk about today.

A few days ago I walked into my friend's room. I don't remember why I was there, but a student sitting in the front row made a comment about how I need to leave and go back next door where I belong. I sassed right back at him ,and, since then, we've been having mock feud. He walks past my door and pretends to glare. I eye him in the hallway and aim the universal "I'm watching you" gesture at him.

Today, he snatched two of my class copies of Julius Caesar. Before class started, one of my students tipped me off, so I stormed next door, feigning fury. "I heard you've got some of my books, and I want 'em back."
"Whatcha gonna do about it?" he shot back.
"You don't want to know," I quipped. He surrendered the books while we exchanged our usual pretend glare.

A few minutes later my friend, Ms. K, came over. One of my students said, "She sounds like the police knocking on the door."

When I opened the door, she said,"I'm here to tell you not to interrupt my class anymore!" Then she put one hand on her face and acted like she wanted to fight me. A fifteen second "altercation" ensued. 
It cracked us all up. The whole thing lasted for less than five minutes. No harm done, just a good memory made for us and our students.

Later on, our other hallway buddy, Ms. B said, "That student you're feuding with looks just like the Kid President."
I said, "Wha? Kid President?"

Her eyes gleamed, "I'll send you a link."

 She did, and we watched it after school this afternoon -- more laughing.

If you think that's funny, you ought to go watch the one about "Diabeetus." I'm laughing just typing "Diabeetus," because it's Friday, and I work with really great people. It's great to have students brimming with personality. I love Ms. H who can turn a serious discussion at the lunch table about school reform into a giggle fest by referring to the "Wee We."

Anyway, I want you to share in this.

Laugh today. Please. You already know what makes you laugh: a video on Youtube, a movie, some sort of random parody... whatever. Just laugh.

Angie posted a link to a blog a while back, so if you can't think of anything else, give "The Fart" a try. If you come across something that nearly (or actually) makes you pee on yourself, then please be sure to share it.

Happy Friday, friends.

"A merry heart does good like medicine[...]" Proverbs 17:22


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