Everyday Greatness

I hope you have someone or more than one someone in your life that inspires you. I'm blessed in that sense. I am constantly surrounded by the most amazing, inspiring women. I often feel that these ladies are the unsung heroes of everyday life. You know the ones -- the ones who keep on keepin' on even in the toughest circumstances. The ones who manage to fill lunch table conversation with laughter and joy, who will cry with you, who will bake you a birthday cake, or tell you there's something gross stuck in your teeth.

One is always smiling and laughing. I've never spoken to her without a hug or an "I love you," maybe even both. She teaches a tough science course and is always thinking of new and better ways to engage her students. She helps them find pumpkin DNA in the fall and is legendary for her homey holiday sweaters. She wears them with joy because she really does love Halloween, Thanksgiving, and especially Christmas. She is so dedicated to her students that she will track them down to make sure they have finished their homework or made up a test. She fills her students with confidence that they can and will learn; she even sends them special "magic" with affirming looks during tough tests. If she finds out I'm having a hard time, she prays for me and even puts uplifting cards in my teacher mailbox. Every time I'm around her, I want to be a better teacher and a better person.

Another has one of the most gentle, beautiful, quiet hearts of anyone I know. She's the kind of friend that holds me to a higher standard. On one painful day, she pulled me aside to find out what was wrong. She didn't offer to pray for me; she grabbed me up and prayed over me right there. It was so healing to be able to sit still and allow someone who loves me to go to God on my behalf. Later we talked about how important it is to actually pray for people right in the moment they need it. She has inspired me to be bolder when I'm encouraging or comforting someone. I don't talk about some abstract idea of praying later on. I do it right then. She's right there beside me on the road to serving Christ and knowing him more. What better friend is there than the one who prays for you and "spurs you on to love and good works?"

There's another pair at our school. I'd be willing to say that have one of the best classes on our campus. All their students learn and definitely leave school each day better, healthier, and happier than when they arrived. Their classroom smells like lavender, coffee, and fresh cookies right from the oven. It's not just the smell either, every person who comes in is greeted enthusiastically and instantly included in whatever is going on. When I'm feeling down, I head to their classroom during my planning period because I know I'll get a smile or a cheerfully called, "Hey Honey Bun!"

One of their students is unable to talk, and when he initially came to their class he was confined to a wheel chair all the time. I first met him last year in the hallways during my planning period. He was in his wheel chair and these ladies were making him learn to push himself with his arms. Later they put him into a huge tricycle to help strengthen his legs. Now, over a year later, he can walk on his own using two arm supports.  Just a few days ago I came out of my classroom, and he was making his way down the hall. He sped up when he saw me -- that's a resounding greeting from a student who can't talk. It amazes me to see how much happier and confident he is. He's walking on his own for the first time.

Some people might not appreciate the beauty in what these women do every day -- steadily helping the most challenging students  -- but I do. It's like Mother Teresa said, "We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great love." I can't think of a better example of faithfulness and love than these two women who devote themselves to students who aren't able to give back to them or even say thank you. They have created a space at our school where every person is loved and respected just as they are.

I could keep right on telling you about the other women I know who persevere even in the face of loss or unimaginable setbacks or are just plain funny and joyful, but there isn't enough time for me to write it or for you to read it.

I'd like to point out one simple thing. What do all the women I've described have in common? A relationship with Jesus Christ. They love him first, and his love flows through them to everyone else. Their lovely, strong, valiant hearts are a divine and holy gift, one that is available to us all.

May you be surrounded by people whose hearts beat with the rhythm of God's love and the Holy Spirit.

"And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 11:19


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