She's a mom. What's your superpower?

On sunny afternoons like this one my mom would take us to the old Hamilton drive-in to get half-price slushies. She'd say, "Okay, what flavor do you want?" We'd say, "What are they?" "Cherry, orange, grape, lime, punch, and strawberry. What kind do you want?" "Um. No, grape. No. What are the kinds again, mama?" She'd tell us again, "Cherry, orange, grape, lime, punch, and strawberry." We continued to have that same conversation over and over again for several minutes. There were four of us, so my poor mom would have to repeat the flavor choices many times, yet she never lost her patience. Sometimes we'd be fighting in the car, and she would say, "Y'all, I'm losing my patience." For some reason this statement always made me think of a dwindling supply of watercolors. I suppose because the word 'patience' sounded like 'paint' to me. Looking back now I realize tha...